Page 20 Prep for Kids Read Comics - June

I have to finish this comic for the local 2nd grade class and for the Kids Read Comics convention...

Here is a work in progress on page 20.  I am working in Manga Studio going panel by panel.  I threw in some of the dialog as placeholders as I refine and edit.  If I can finish the art by the end of May I should be in fair shape for revisions.  As I go the characters are getting more comfortable to draw.  I am finding that the more I relax my sketches the more expressive and dramatic the poses and expressions become.  The tighter the drawings the more life seems to drain from them. OK time for bed and getting a little sleep now.



Frame 8

It was all for the love of candy!

Been gone a has kept me busy...more SuperCow in the works....just having trouble finding time and motivation lately:(

In Tags , ,

Super Cow Frame 7

Here is our next frame in our Super Cow story.  I dropped off the full comic to the second grade class just before Halloween.  I left them the challenge of finishing the story on their own. I promised to come back after the new year to see what they come up with.  Some started to sketch even before I finished handing out the books to the rest of the class.  I would not be surprised if many will lose the book over time but I plan on showing my next pages to them as I go.

Super Cow frame 6

Munch! Munch! The Gopher-bot is out to steal Halloween

I got to go!

The middle of the night bathroom visit, comes along with any camping trip.

League - page 6

Knocking down icicles! ...while the kids cheer me on.

Out of my league - page 5

The first few pitches...

After Dark page 2

Here is the second layout test. Experimenting with layout and detail. Realizing how cropping and details can be much more effective than full view shots..

Here, again, is the original...

After Dark Page layout

I have been posting a few panels about our summer camping trip over the past few weeks.  Originally I liked the sketches, they were quick and a little crude but looked decent. After looking at a couple of very inspirational online graphics such as


 by Jason Brubaker and some good pod casts from

Jerzy Drozd 

I am trying to rethink the layout process....rendering light and dark in ink is still giving me trouble, still need to think less 3D and more graphic....

Here is page one of two for "After Dark"

Here is the original layout, that seemed a little boring...hope the above shows some improvement..

After Dark Full Page

I reworked some of the different panels and modified the text a bit....hope it looks better...

This really happened to us this summer while camping...if you ever hear screams in the woods at night it just might be a Red Fox or a Bobcat....but it does sound human....