Letter Box 4

When you do find one, the kids use the stamp in the box to mark their notepads.  We look to see who was there before us. We are starting to recognize some of the stamps from our previous finds.

One box in Ann Arbor had not been found for over a year. We found it!

Letter Box 3

We follow all the clues, but sometimes the boxes have been removed.  Maybe gone for good, hard to tell.  So we go onto the next one....

Letterbox 2

Our last search led us to a local old cemetery. We had to take turns looking for a number of hidden boxes.  Spooky fun.

Letter Box

We have been doing "letter boxing" this summer with the kids...Letter boxing is like Geocaching for kids.  Someone hides a notebook and an ink stamp in a secret location and post clues for other to find. If found, you stamp your own notebook with the found stamp and leave your mark in the hidden notepad.  Be discrete and careful not to give out the secret location to onlookers.

I drew a few sketches after our last litter outing. ...will post these over the next few days.....